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Reminders for customers to send express shipments

Please inform our dispatch and customer service personnel by telephone, fax or email if the customer needs to deliver the express mail. Please tell me how many express shipments (quantity and weight) are there and are they ready? Pick up place, pick up time, contact person, contact number, etc. Our company dispatcher will arrange receiving personnel and vehicles to pick up the goods within two hours after the goods are ready.

What do I need to provide for parcel express?

Parcel express shall provide three copies of proforma invoice in the name of the sender company with company seal affixed. The invoice should state the name, quantity, country of origin, customs declared value and other information of the parcel to be sent. Please fill in the product name in English. Special goods (specialized goods) should be provided in English and Chinese. The name of the goods should be detailed and specific, not too general or vague, to avoid customs clearance trouble when the goods arrive at the destination, which may affect the time limit of express. Please provide the packing list of mixed goods. Our company will declare to the customs in strict accordance with the proforma invoice provided by the customer.

What is required for all express shipments

The waybill shall be provided for all shipments, which shall be stamped by the sender company. The waybill should provide the information of the sender and the receiver. In particular, the information of the recipient must be true and accurate: including the recipient's name, address, postal code (especially important for those going to the United States), telephone number, fax, contact name, etc. Incorrect address and phone number will affect delivery. The waybill also needs to fill in the number of pieces, weight, name of goods, customs declaration value, etc. Freight collect must be marked on the waybill, "C.O.D." red label and the amount of freight collect. If the amount is not specified, it will be charged to the addressee at the destination at the published freight rate. If not marked "freight collect" will be prepaid to the sender. Customs duties are to be paid by the consignee or the sender and a handling charge is to be paid in advance. Please indicate on the waybill if you purchase insurance from isp. Do not mark on the waybill if you buy Pacific insurance or American Asia Insurance. "P.o. Box" addresses are generally not acceptable for express delivery.

Billable weight of shipment

The chargeable weight of the express parcel is determined by comparing the actual weight (gross weight and the volume weight of the express parcel. The volume weight is calculated by using the longest x widest x highest / 5 of the outer package 000 yields, in centimeters (Cm), less than one centimeter carried to the next centimeter. If the actual weight of the express is 29.5 kg, the volume length of the express is 45.1 cm, the width is 66.3 cm and the height is 49.9 cm, then the volume weight is 46x67x50/5 000 = 30.82 kg. The volume weight is 31 kg. The chargeable weight of the express parcel is 31 kg.

handover checklist

including date of receipt, time of receipt, handover unit, service type order number, number of pieces, real weight, volume weight, product name, country, freight, settlement method, remarks, signature of consignor, signature of consignee, etc. Remarks generally indicate the sender's special requirements. This list belongs to the certificate between the consignor and the consignee, which shall be signed and sealed by both parties as evidence.

Express shipments have weight and size restrictions

Generally, the weight of a piece should be less than 50kg and the length should not exceed 110cm. Please declare in advance if there is any overweight or long express, so as to book space in advance and arrange mechanical shipment. Some countries (such as The United Kingdom, Israel, the Philippines, etc.) stipulate that the weight of a piece should be less than 30 kg.

Forbidden Object

Drugs, firearms (including guns, ammunition, spare parts), banknotes, gold bars, animals, medicines, remains (including ashes), pornography, counterfeit, forged or infringing intellectual property rights, dangerous goods (flammable, explosive, corrosive, radioactive goods) including asbestos.

Restricted Item

Alcoholic drinks and plant, animal or plant products, animal fur, tobacco, cotton, seed, tea, etc.), antiques or art, compressed gas, medicine, ivory, fur products, rare animals, a magnet (with magnetic items), medical samples, negotiable instruments, precious metals, gems, including jewelry, unknown unknown liquid, powder, fresh flowers, dry ice, perishable food, etc.


Delivered Duty Paid (…named place of destination)--Delivered duty paid (... Designated destination) refers to the seller will ship the goods to the designated place of the importing country, available for the buyer to collect, that is, to fulfill the delivery obligation. The seller must bear the risks and expenses of transporting the goods to the place, including duties, taxes and other charges and clear the goods for import. In contrast to EXW, DDP is the seller's maximum obligation Obligation. This term should not be used if the seller cannot obtain an import licence directly or indirectly. The term DDU should be used if the parties wish the buyer to clear the goods and pay the customs duties. If both parties wish to exclude from the seller's obligations certain charges, such as VAT, payable on the importation of the goods, a sentence should be added to that effect, such as: "Delivered duty paid, VAT unpaid (... Specify destination) "to make it clear.



Delivered Duty Unaid (…named place of destination)--Delivered duty unpaid (... Designated destination) refers to the seller will ship the goods to the designated place of the importing country, available for the buyer to collect, that is, to fulfill the delivery obligation. The seller must bear the costs and risks of transporting the goods to the place (excluding duties, taxes and other charges charged by the authorities at the time of importation and customs formalities and risks). The buyer must bear the additional costs and risks arising from his failure to clear the goods in time. If both parties wish the Seller to carry out the customs formalities and bear the costs and risks arising therefrom, they should add words to make this intention clear. If the parties wish to include in the seller's obligations certain charges, such as VAT, payable at the time of importation of the goods, they shall add words to this effect, such as: "Duty unpaid, VAT paid (... Specify destination) "to make it clear. This term applies to all modes of transport.


Delivered Ex Ship(…named port of destination)-- Free on board (... Designated port of destination) means that when the seller provides the goods without import customs clearance to the buyer on board the designated port of destination, the seller has fulfilled its delivery obligation. The seller must bear all the costs and risks of shipment of the goods to the named port of destination. This term applies only to sea or inland waterway transport.


Delivered Ex Quay (duty paid)(…named port of destination)--Ex quay, port of destination (duty paid) Designated port of destination) refers to the seller will ship the goods to the designated port of destination wharf, after import customs clearance, available for the buyer to collect, that is, to fulfill the obligation of delivery. The Seller shall bear all risks and expenses of delivery of the goods to the place, including duties, taxes and other charges. This term should not be used if the seller cannot obtain an import licence directly or indirectly. If the parties wish the buyer to clear the goods and pay the duties, the words "duty unpaid" should be used instead of "duty paid or the DES term should be used. If the parties request to exclude the seller from bearing the obligation to pay certain charges, such as value added tax (VAT), at the time of importation of the goods, they should do so by adding words such as "Delivered on quay, port of destination, VAT unpaid (... Designate port of destination) "to make it clear. This term applies only to sea or inland waterway transport.


Delivered AT Frontier (…named place)-- Free at frontier (... Designated place) means that the seller has fulfilled the obligation of delivery when the goods are provided at the designated place and place at the border of the adjacent country before customs clearance. The term "border" can be applied to any border, including the border of an exporting country. It is therefore of the utmost importance to specify precisely in this term the point and place of delivery in respect of the frontier. This term is used primarily for the carriage of goods by rail or road and may be applied to any other mode of transport.


Cost, Insurance And Freight (…named port of destination) --Cost & Freight (... Appoint destination port) refers to the seller must in the contract of shipment at the port of shipment deliver the goods to the specified destination port of the ship, so far the goods across the ship's rail all expenses and risks of loss of or damage to the goods and responsible to handle the cargo insurance, pay insurance premium and is responsible for chartering or booking, pay the freight from the port of shipment to the port of destination.


Cost And Freight (…named port of destination)---Cost & Freight (... Named port of destination means that the seller must deliver the goods to the vessel destined for the named port of destination within the time of shipment stipulated in the contract at the port of shipment, bear all expenses and risks of loss or damage of the goods up to the time of crossing the ship's rail and be responsible for charting the vessel or booking space and pay the normal freight to reach the port of destination.


Free On Board(…named port of shipment)--Free on board (... Named port of shipment means that the seller shall deliver the goods to the vessel appointed by the buyer at the named port of shipment within the time of shipment stipulated in the contract and bear all expenses and risks of loss or damage of the goods up to the time when the goods cross the ship's rail. FOB terminology is also known as "FOB price".


Free Alongside Ship(…named port of shipment)--port of shipment. This means that the Buyer shall bear all expenses and all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that time onwards. The FAS term requires the buyer to clear the goods for export. This term should not be used if the buyer cannot handle the export formalities directly or indirectly. This term applies only to sea or inland waterway transport.


Free Carrier (…named place)--Free carrier (... Designated place) refers to the seller must in the contract within the delivery period specified in the designated place or place will be the export customs clearance goods to the buyer designated carrier supervision and bear the goods by the carrier supervision of all costs and the risk of loss or damage of the goods. The Buyer must, at its own cost, enter into a contract of carriage for the delivery of the goods from the named place or place and give full notice to the Seller of the name of the carrier concerned and of the time and place of delivery required. Bear all expenses and risks after delivery of the goods to the carrier; Responsible for receiving goods and paying the price according to the contract.


Ex Works(…named place)--Ex works (... Designated place) refers to the seller in its place (factory, workshop, warehouse, etc.) to provide the goods to the buyer, that is, to fulfill the delivery obligation. Unless otherwise agreed, the seller shall not be responsible for loading the goods onto the vehicle ready by the Buyer, nor for export customs clearance. The Buyer bears all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller's premises to the destination. Therefore, the term is the seller's minimum obligation Obligation. If the buyer cannot directly or indirectly handle the export procedure, this term should not be used, but the FCA term should be used.

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